Dread The Dead

About the game

Dread The Dead is a zombie horror first person shooter that started as a gamejam project for our computer science class. It is currently being expanded with plans to have a full release on steam at some point in the future. 

More info

Dread The Dead started as a gamejam with the theme of “three buttons” in our computer science class as our final. It was pretty limiting only having access to three inputs for the entire game, after thinking about what we could do with this limitation we decided to make a first person shooter. and as for our three inputs we decided on using the mouse for looking around, the scroll wheel for moving forward and back, and finally the left mouse button for shooting, and interacting. it started off with a simple scene where enemies would run at and attack you. You could walk around, shoot and kill the enemies, and use a very primitive grappling hook. It later evolved into having a house with modeled and voice acted zombies, fully modeled grappling gun, buttons to open doors, and a way to beat the game. After the gamejam finished we began revamping the game to utilize more inputs and the game now has strafing thanks to the use of WASD instead of the scroll wheel. before release we plan on refining the gameplay, adding more story elements, and greatly expanding the length of the game overall.